
A physical training supplant drug and a laugh supplant physical training


The medical treatment which leads the motion treatment which is professionalized


The spearhead medical treatment facility and kindness service spirit

  Our experienced professionals always work together to deliver the best possible care to all visiting customers to help and reduce their physical discomforts and to pursue their pre-injury lifestyle quickly and safely as possible. All our passionate and dedicated staffs promise to serve the local community and to contribute to the greater development in the field of sports medicine and physiotherapy.

  We are most determined to provide every visiting patient with credible services, skilled practitioners, and passionate and hospitable treatments.

Medical Coordination System

Machinery Exercises Therapy

We are based on a physical exercise with using cutting-edge equipment and take a machinery exercise therapy which is a cure program in the state of health and diseases.

Medical Coordination System

Lower Rehabilitation

Our staffs provide more scientific and systematical approaches to anatomies to treat overall lower body injuries as well as diseases prone to affect patients’ pelvis, knee, and ankle.

Medical Coordination System

Upper Rehabilitation

We will be responsible for the health of the upper limb and improvements in sports ability.

Upper limb rehabilitation is targeting a successful return from injury of the upper limb in the field of everyday life and Sports. Center adapted specialized sports equipment, sports rehabilitation and exercise program to suit the characteristics of different disciplines

Medical Coordination System

Spine Rehabilitation

We have a goal to return to your healthy life after spinal cord injury. We use the equipment for sport rehabilitation and make for individuals optimized rehabilitation exercise program.

Movement test + Sports rehabilitation + Individual exercise program = Balaced Functional movement Improvement & Healthy Life

Medical Coordination System

Functional Rehabilization

Sports functional rehabilization center for general public is performed personalized rehabilization program to determine the functional demage as well as structural demage.
Also they can safely enjoy the usual leisure sports for education to injury prevention and corrective movement.